The village of Konkourona celebrated the tremendous successes in education from the past 4 years by enrolling a record number of students in elementary school, middle school and high school this year. KAFO and MSN made sure that primary school students had books and supplies, and middle school and high school students had books, supplies, bikes and backpacks.

Celebration of students
The basic construction of the new middle school has been completed, but solar panels, the water hookup, books and desks are still needed before the government will approve it and assign teachers. We did the best we could to finish before this school year began, but it looks like we will not be able to open yet. The good news is that funding to finish the school has been approved and work will begin as soon as it is received.
The community is resilient and committed to their children’s education and overcoming unexpected obstacles. They are very thankful for all of the help they are receiving from KAFO and MSN and they are doing whatever they can to support the development efforts.

New middle school

New middle school porch

Administration building

Security building
As disappointing as the delay in opening is, that will give us a little extra time to begin building housing for the teachers, so that they will be able to move with their families to Konkourona.
We learned when we first started our efforts to support Konkourona four years ago, that teachers often left the village as soon as they could due to the lack of books, desks and teaching materials for the classrooms, and the unavailability of housing, healthcare, electricity, and water for their families. That paradigm completely shifted when we built houses for the elementary school teachers, drilled a well, built community fountains, and opened a health center in the village. Not only have they moved their own families to Konkourona, but they have brought nieces and nephews who have been displaced by jihadist violence around the borders to live with them and take advantage of what the village has to offer.
The people of Konkourona appreciate the enormous improvements in education that the teachers have brought about and are happy to welcome the teachers’ families as part of the community.

Teacher’s daughter
It is the love of all children that inspired me to start KAFO with my colleague, Dr. Jules Millogo, expanding on his private efforts over two decades to help educate as many children as possible. I never dreamed that so many friends and family members would be willing to join us in our efforts and help us reach hundreds of children and their families.
Thank you for your kindness, compassion, generosity and commitment to improve lives in this one, small village.