Students climbed into our KAFO/MSN construction vehicle to be transported by KAFO Program Director, Victorien Millogo, to another village to take the middle school entrance exam. They were thrilled for an opportunity to ride on the back of a motorized tricycle. Two thirds of the students passed the exam, up from 4% in 2019, before each student had access to smaller class sizes, tutoring, books and materials for learning. For the second year in a row, Konkourona is among the highest performing, of 21 schools in the district!

As a result of the tremendous elementary school success, a middle school is needed in Konkourona. Last week, the village land chief, village leaders and a government surveyor chose this idyllic site.

Alignment among community leaders before work begins is the best way to ensure long term success and sustainability of all projects.

While plans are being made for more construction, village leaders, parents, teachers and children joined forces with the Forestry Department to plant 1100 trees near new classrooms, new housing and the health center. This is the first time a community initiated project of this magnitude has been undertaken in the region.

In just a few years, many of these trees will produce much needed food for the community, like mango, guava, cashews, and coconut, as well as much needed shade from the hot sun. Each tree is protected from grazing animals by small cages, and community members have divided up watering responsibilities to make sure trees survive.
Life is gradually improving for people living in Konkourona, thanks to you.
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