The development in progress on the primary school campus has invigorated the people in Konkourona. In a village with so many families, parents, and children, everyone is so excited to see the construction building towards a better future for all. Education is the best thing you can give a child. It is the tool that invites them to enter the rest of the world.
As the walls of the new teachers housing steadily rise, the number of children passing the compulsory 6th grade exam leaped! In 2019, two students passed the exam for middle school. This year, twenty students passed and will be moving on to seventh grade. This is a first in Konkourona history! These young minds continued to study even when school was closed, and they excelled. Now they are excited to continue their education. Students in the lower grades have renewed energy to excel like the class of 2020 did. The students’ excitement paired with the teachers’ appreciation for the incredible new housing, and availability of textbooks and tutoring will make for an excellent school year.
We thank you for your continued support. Together, we can help the citizens of Konkourona improve their lives.

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