Blueprints Turn to Buildings

As the walls go up for new houses for teachers, the team in Konkourona shares new pictures and updates.

It’s amazing to see how the work being done unites the citizens of the village. The work gives them pride and excitement for the future generations who will benefit from all of their hard work.

Here you can see the houses nearing completion. The houses feature a living room, two bedrooms, a shower area, a closet, and a terrace. There is no running water available in the village, so the shower area is used to bathe using buckets of water indoors. Most villagers do not have an indoor shower and bathe outdoors. All rooms will have solar lighting, and the living room and shower area will have tiled floors. There will also be an external kitchen and latrine for each accommodation. Kitchens are external in the village because it is so hot and open fires are used for cooking. There is currently only one functional latrine in the village.

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